Welcome to Polyfoam
We are Polyfoam
At Polyfoam, we not only design products, but also a future full of innovation and commitment. As a family-run plastics processing company, we are proud to supply the market with high-quality foam solutions.
Our aim is not only to continue to grow, but also to create secure jobs and live our values such as openness, equal treatment and solution orientation every day.
It doesn’t matter who you are – we are always here to help you with our helpfulness and solution-oriented approach. We maintain close ties and know exactly where we come from and what makes us special as a company – a genuine soul paired with plenty of individuality.
Unsere Firmenhistorie
by Dieter Koch & Friedrich Evenschor in Alsdorf
to Aachen-Brand
to Stolberg
by Holger Koch
A fire completely destroys production
Substitute production
Establishment of a replacement production facility in Eschweiler
Destruction of replacement production through vandalism
Moving into the rebuilt production facility in Stolberg
The Stolberg site is becoming too small. Relocation to Niederzier near Düren
New production
Moving into the new production halls on the company premises
Machine extension
KD31 Concrete dimple
Machine extension
Large splitting system carousel for polyurethane
New splitting system
Loop for sheets and rolls
New development with Fecken & Kirfel G11 splitting system various materials up to 100 Shore A
New ignition plotter
Even faster and more precise
Expansion of the loop splitting system
For web and roll goods with new crane system
Outdoor storage
For further growth
Living values
Was zeichnet uns aus?
At Polyfoam, we not only design products, but also a future full of innovation and commitment. As a family-run foam processing company, we are proud to supply the market with high-quality foam solutions.
Our aim is not only to continue to grow and steadily increase our sphere of influence. At the same time, we are aware of our responsibility and want to be a company for which job security is a top priority, both now and in the future.
Our values are not just empty promises – they are the foundation of our partnerships. Short distances and commitment are just as important to us as personal relationships and authenticity. As a solution provider, we focus on fair dealings, reliability and professionalism. Our team is characterized by honesty and loves the challenge of breaking new ground. Our managers are approachable and approachable.

All together
We are a team
At Polyfoam, we create an atmosphere in which diversity is valued. From experienced engineers to committed career changers, we employ people from a wide variety of backgrounds and with a wide range of skills. For us, it is not only the CV that counts, but above all the contribution of each individual to our joint success. We support each other as equals and promote an environment in which everyone can contribute their strengths.
What employees say
Warum Polyfoam?
Wenn ich an Polyfoam denke, kommt mir sofort das Bild eines gut organisierten und breitgefächerten Familienunternehmens in den Sinn. Ich bin stolz auf die familiäre Stimmung hier und die Hilfsbereitschaft, die von jedem ausgeht. Unsere ‚Offene Tür‘-Kultur beim Chef trägt dazu bei, dass sich jeder wohlfühlt. Zudem macht es mich stolz, dass wir mit großen Firmen zusammenarbeiten und sogar für den Bund und andere namenhafte globale Unternehmen produzieren.
Simon Esser
Polyfoam ist ein bodenständiges Unternehmen mit einem hervorragenden Image in der Außenwelt – ob bei Kunden, Lieferanten oder Mitbewerbern. Hier habe ich die Möglichkeit zur persönlichen und fachlichen Weiterentwicklung, sei es durch Weiterbildungen oder, wie in meinem Fall, durch ein absolviertes duales Studium. Unser umfangreiches fachliches Wissen und der vielfältige Maschinenpark ermöglichen es uns, stets hohe Qualität in hoher Variabilität zu liefern. Die kurzen Wege zwischen den Abteilungen, wie Vertrieb, Einkauf und Produktion, erlauben es uns, schnell und effizient auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden einzugehen.

Luca Pütz
Bei Polyfoam erhältst du in deinem ersten Monat eine umfassende Einführung in alle Abteilungen, die an die Fertigung angeschlossen sind. So lernst du schnell alle Kollegen, Abläufe und Produkte kennen. Unsere flexiblen Arbeitszeiten in der Verwaltung ermöglichen es dir, zwischen 6:45 und 9:00 Uhr zu beginnen und ab 15:00 Uhr (Montag bis Donnerstag) oder ab 13:00 Uhr (Freitag) Feierabend zu machen. Überstunden können in Urlaubstage umgewandelt werden, und an manchen Brückentagen schließen wir den ganzen Betrieb, damit jeder von uns gleichermaßen profitiert.

Sirona Faßbender
Unsere familiäre und teamorientierte Arbeitsweise macht mich besonders stolz, und genau das erzähle ich auch meinen Freunden. Was ich auch sehr schätze, ist unsere Vielfalt: Hier arbeiten Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen eng zusammen. Die Unternehmensleitung behandelt alle gleich, was eine freundschaftliche Atmosphäre schafft. Wer einmal bei Polyfoam anfängt, bleibt gerne – weil man sich sofort wohlfühlt.“

Naif Onar
Part of the whole
We are proud
We are proud of our diverse and dynamic working environment and value the down-to-earth image and the opportunity for personal and professional development.
Our corporate culture is characterized by family values and an open working atmosphere. Every employee is invited to contribute to the continuous improvement of our customer service. Our motto „Happy employees, satisfied customers“ shows our attitude towards our own team.
We are proud to be an innovative family business that combines traditional values with modern demands on the working world – and that realizes large projects for well-known companies and develops and manufactures high-quality products for various industries.
The multicultural cooperation at Polyfoam enables every employee to feel valued and supported, regardless of their origin or position in the company.

Quality that sets us apart
Sustainability: an issue for everyone!
Everyone is talking about sustainability at the moment. Polyfoam was a topic long before it became as prominent in the media as it is today. When we talk about this topic, the areas of ecological, economic and social sustainability are equally important to us. Our aim is to protect the environment and nature, to operate sustainably in the market and to create a stable and fair environment for our employees and business partners. We are constantly optimizing our processes and company divisions in order to operate more efficiently and conserve resources. We also pay attention to sustainability when selecting our suppliers. We only use high-quality foams from Germany and other European countries. In this way, we ensure quality and at the same time protect the environment. The advantages of short transportation routes and modern, certified producers of the raw materials are obvious. Product design and the development of environmentally friendly solutions have made up a large part of our daily work in recent years. The aim here is to find sustainable packaging solutions. The raw materials of the packaging should be recyclable and the products reusable. We have implemented a number of projects with our customers in which we have developed intelligent reusable systems and transportation solutions.
Resources – How can we save and consume less?
Thanks to a precisely planned use of materials and resources, we are able to produce as gently as possible. We are constantly on the lookout for potential improvements and ways to act even more effectively and minimize the consumption of materials. We are already able to cover part of our energy requirements from renewable energies and, thanks to continuous investment, the demand for electricity, gas and water is constantly falling. Together with our partners, we recycle 100% of our recyclable foams and bring them back into the process for further applications. Non-recyclable materials are processed and recycled by certified and audited waste management companies. As Polyfoam, we are part of the „team“ that takes care of the environment. We will only be successful if the entire team, the global population, uses limited resources carefully. We all have an influence on what happens to our planet!
Quality that sets us apart
ISO 9001 certificate
Quality that sets us apart
ISO 9001 certificate of the disposal company
Quality that sets us apart
According to current knowledge, the products supplied by us and their packaging do not contain any substances on the candidate list* (15.06.2015 acc. Article 59 (10) of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 („REACH“) (s. Internet address of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) https://echa.europa.eu/de/candidate-list-table) in a concentration of more than 0.1% by mass.
The raw materials used to manufacture our products (cellular polyethylene, cellular rubber, cellular polyurethane, cardboard packaging) are always tested to ensure that the finished product – whether during further processing, installation or use – does not pose a risk to the end user under normal and reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.
The industrial companies that manufacture the individual components for our products have stated that they will register all components subject to registration in good time.
We will inform you of any changes to our delivery products caused by REACH within the scope of our business relationship and, if necessary, coordinate suitable measures with you in individual cases.
This is not a blanket confirmation of REACH conformity – please request this individually for the quality supplied to you!
Quality that sets us apart
We hereby confirm and warrant that all goods to be supplied by us to you comply with the requirements of Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (ROHS), as amended.
The necessary verification documents for compliance with the minimum legal requirements in accordance with European Directive 2011/65/EU are prepared by us and kept available for inquiries from the market supervisory authority or we have obliged our suppliers to do so. Verification under this directive is carried out on the basis of harmonized standards, insofar as these are mentioned in the Official Journal of the European Union. If this is not the case, we will state the test bases used if necessary.
The current version of the directive is available on the Internet from the European Union in Brussels.
This is not a blanket RoHS conformity confirmation – please request this individually for the quality supplied to you!